Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My poor boy

Awhile back, we took away Gresham's pacifiers... I think it might have been November. We were trying to make the "sassy" (as he called it) a distant memory before the baby is born! Gresham apparently hasn't gotten over it and has brought up the sassies several times lately. This morning we had this conversation:

Gresham: whine, whine, whine
Mom: Gresham, why are you so whiny? Are you a whiner?
Gresham: No! I am NOT a whiner!
Dad: Then what are you?
Gresham: I am a boy who has no sassies...

Pathetic, isn't it? Although I don't think there has been any permanent damage done...

1 comment:

  1. heehee...Your boy makes me laugh! We are now trying to wean Sam from the pacifier...before he has words to complain...maybe it will work. He went to sleep tonight without one.
