We had our ultrasound on Tuesday, and we are pleased to announce that we are having a boy! I must admit that we were all thinking that it would be quite fun to have a girl... Aidan wanted a princess for his castle game. For the record, though, we didn't have a third child to try for a girl. God plans the best families and puts the people that he chooses in them. We are very excited about this new blessing in our lives. I can't wait to see what he will look like and be like. The ultrasound was an amazing experience. The machine that they used was much newer than the one we have had before, and we could see so much detail. My favorite part was the tiny fingers and toes. We also saw the baby yawn!
And so here comes boy number 3. I am feeling a little outnumbered at our house. I can understand girls, but boys are definitely a different breed...
- Burp at the dinner table and everyone laughs, even Daddy
- Pride themselves on never changing their socks
- Bring a grub worm in on a shovel to show me while I am in the middle of teaching a violin lesson
- Turn puzzle pieces and bread crusts into a gun
- Show affection by hitting me on the shoulders with both fists (Gresham)
- Make a lot of noise for no apparent reason
But what a blessing we have in our two sons! God has given us the awesome privilege of raising up boys in the knowledge of Him. We are not guaranteed their salvation, but we do take our responsibility seriously to present them with the truth and raise them in the instruction of the Lord. Our prayer is that He will make them into godly men who will stand for the truth in a difficult age.

Here is Gresham in the dirt... what a boy... He is so happy when he is out digging and getting dirty! Aidan wants to make a catapult to take to the neighborhood park and launch things with, and I thought that that actually sounded kind of fun... God has equipped me to raise the boys He has given me!
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