This post was originally going to be labeled "2-year-old for Sale" but I thought better of it.
Oh, Gresham. What am I going to do with you?
This week was Jordan's first week to be employed full-time since Owen was born. We are very thankful! And even more thankful that Friday is the first payday!
The kids and I had a tough week. I went back to school, so I was adjusting to life with all three of them, plus working again too. This year I am teaching two afternoons each week.
Gresham decided to pull out all the stops in honor of mom's busy week.
On Monday, we ran up to school to finish up some last minute details. Gresham and Aidan ran in the halls and slapped and fought. The secretary closed her door while we were out in the hall because she could not hear on the phone with my children there.
On Tuesday, Gresham threw a fit over wearing a pull-up. He wanted to wear a diaper.
Mom: You are wearing a pull-up.
Gresham: I don't want to!
Mom: You really should be using the potty. That's what big boys do. Can you imagine if Daddy threw a fit about wanting to wear a diaper???? Does Dad do that?
Gresham: No
Mom: Why not?
Gresham: Because it is not safe to do.
Mom: (thinking to herself) This is a pointless conversation...
On Thursday, he threw a fit because he wanted to eat oatmeal squares cereal out of the new box rather than use up the box that was already open. He spent 20 minutes fighting it until he finally obeyed and ate his now very mushy cereal.
On Friday, he accidently spilled a bowl of cereal and milk while playing with his imaginary bow and arrow at the table. The mess got on a couple of our school books (no harm done, though). While I cleaned that up, I sent him to wash his hands. When I went to check on him, I discovered that he had filled up the sink to overflowing with soapy water. I went to get a towel, and when I came back, he had pumped hand soap into his hair and was rubbing it in with a soggy wet baby hairbrush.
My friend Christy was telling me today about babysitting a couple of boys this week and how boys can be "inconvenient children." That describes him very well! He is stubborn and needs a lot of discipline, but many of his messes come from boy energy and curiosity. He isn't meaning to cause trouble, but the consequences of his explorations are very inconvenient for me!!!
6 more weeks until he turns 3! But he will never be 2 ever again... I'll miss the 2 year old voice and the ways he pronounces things and the little chubby body.
Time to go wake him up from his nap because it's after 4:30 p.m... I'm bracing myself for the tantrum...