I have LOTS of blogging to get caught up on, so I'll start with a few random pictures from the last month.

I put Owen in the saucer for the first time the other day, and he had this shocked look on his face the whole time! He had a great time chewing on all the toys, but got tired quickly. It's fun to move on to new things - he is sooooo active and is getting tired of just sitting in his bouncy seat!

We went on a quick one day trip to Shawnee (where I went to college) a few weeks ago. My aunt and uncle were in Shawnee on a business trip, so my mom wanted to take the chance to go see them while they were only 3 hours away (they live in Cincinnati). It was fun to get out of the metroplex for the day! The boys had fun seeing buffalo in a field and going to Super Wal-mart to buy a plastic bow and arrow set.

The beloved Raley Chapel... What a beautiful day to be on the OBU campus... Brought back memories of when Winderweedle and I snuck up to the steeple part while they were doing renovations on the building and had the door unlocked. It's a great view from up there (where the windows are)! Remember that, Winderweedle?
I sure do, Packard! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth kind of business takes anyone to the magical destination of Shawntucky, America?