Here is Owen at 6 months! It's hard to get a good picture of him because he is so wiggly. He's not crawling yet, but will probably will be soon! He can sit up for a few seconds at a time.

We tried giving him baby cereal a couple times, but he's not really interested. Aidan and Gresham didn't do well with solids until 7-8 months, so I'm not going to push it.

Holding the spoon was fun!
6 month stats:
14 lb. (4th percentile)
27.2 inches (80th percentile)
I forget his head size, but it was 35th percentile.
I'm glad that he is still growing well in height. Maybe his weight will catch up once he is over the reflux and teething, or maybe he'll just be tall and thin! It's too soon to tell...
He is a happy baby who loves to laugh and is interested in everything.
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