Saturday, August 22, 2009

Go away!

So, door-to-door solicitors have never been my favorite. That's why I talked my husband into quitting his job as one after 3 days of knocking on doors and zero dollars earned. (I do think he could have been successful, but it wasn't worth it... but that's not the point of this story...)

Today someone knocked on the door and rang the bell simultaneously. Usually, when the doorbell rings, Aidan screams, "I'LL GET IT!!!!!" so that any solicitor who might be there now knows that we are for sure at home. I have instructed both boys not to answer the door until I have checked to see who is there, but that doesn't stop them from making a lot of noise! So today I looked out the peephole and saw two girls, probably around age 18, who were dressed rather indecently. I wouldn't have answered, but as I was looking out they were ringing/knocking again, so I answered, half-expecting to find some emergency like a car striking a child in front of our house or something. Instead it went like this:

Them: I knew someone was home!
Me: Uh-huh
Them: Hi, I'm - wait, are you the lady of the house?
Me: Yes
Them: Gosh, you're YOUNG! Anway, I was just over talking to your neighbor, so and so, and...
Me: Goodbye!
Them: Wow, that was rude!

I'm not answering the door for people we don't know anymore!

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