Friday, November 21, 2008

My Big Boy

So Gresham has gotten a lot of posts lately - I'll try to make it up to Aidan next week...

We had a "big boy party" on Monday night and said farewell to the pacifiers. I was tired of dealing with all the tantrums - the pacifier was not allowed out of the bed, but Gresham tested that rule several times a day, and it just wasn't worth it. Plus, I wanted the pacifier to be a distant memory by the time the new baby comes! We have 6 months until then, which is a long time when you're 2. He will have forgotten by then. At least that's the hope.

We had a nice dinner in his brand new booster seat (we put the highchair away!), and then brought the "sassies" out and said goodbye to them. Gresham put them in the trash himself, and then got to have a big bowl of ice cream. At bedtime, he told Dad, "Want sas- ... had ice cream."

Then, he caught a cold, and the rest of the week has been horrible as far as sleep goes! He cries for sassy every evening. He has woken up crying from his nap every day and has cried in the morning every morning except today. Hopefully once he gets over the congestion he will be back to his cheerful self! And surely the memory will fade soon!

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