Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Good Day and A Bad One

I'm enjoying this pregnancy countdown thing that I put on here, but I think that it looks a little freaky today... long spindly legs and stuff...

Anyway, yesterday was a great day! I actually felt pretty decent. Jordan had to work a closing shift, so after naptime I asked Aidan if he would like to go rock collecting. He was very excited about that! He and Gresham both love rocks. I used to collect fossils as I kid, so I can enjoy rocks too. We went to the "fish park" (the playset has a giant plastic fish on it), and went down by the creek and collected rocks. Then, we walked along the walking trail for a while and happened upon some construction vehicles working on a drainage project. We watched a front loader move some rocks and an excavator dig a trench (I bet you didn't know I was so up on my construction vehicles!). Gresham was thrilled. Aidan has seen stuff like that before, but not Gresh.

We came home and made dinner, and then found a full-length Raffi concert on youtube. (Raffi sings kids songs with just him and his guitar - he's a little new age, but most of his songs are okay, and he's easy to listen to.) Actually, the concert was split into 9 parts because I guess you can only load 5 min. videos on youtube.

Rocks, construction trucks, songs about "shaking my sillies out"... what more does a person need?

Today was not as fun. Our day started at 5:30 a.m. when I got up to go to the bathroom and discovered that the smoke detector in Aidan's room was beeping. Jordan went to go put in a new battery, which we have never done before (oops... I honestly thought for some reason that these particular smoke detectors were not battery powered...) In the process, all of the smoke detectors went off, and well, let's just say that if we ever have a fire, we won't be able to miss it! Thankfully we were all able to go back to sleep.

I have been soooooooooo tired all day, and not feeling as well as yesterday. This afternoon, Aidan rode his bike into the neighbor's basketball goal, and fell, and landed on his face. He is going to have a huge bruise over his eye (on top of the stitches that he got 2 years ago) that will look very pretty when he sings in front of church tomorrow with the children's choir! By the time he went to bed, the whole area had become pretty swollen, and his eye is partially shut.

We ended the day with Gresham falling trying to sit in a chair, and he put a gash in his chin. He did one of those things that little kids do where they are silent powering up for a huge cry, except that he didn't start crying (or breathing) for several seconds, and his lips turned blue. I was yelling at him to breathe!

Ahhhh, all is quiet now! I am glad that God provides good days along with the bad ones... it helps me to appreciate the good ones all the more!

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