Sunday, September 14, 2008

Coupons are money!

So, I have been shopping heavily with coupons since May. I used to use them occasionally, and I have always looked for sales, but after getting started on this website I have been using a lot more. I now have a nifty coupon organizer, and use 15-20 coupons per shopping trip. We have lowered our grocery budget by $200 consistently for the past 4 months, so all the couponing has been worth the extra time and work. (Well, part of that $200 is also better planning and making sure we don't waste anything.)

My kids have evidently picked up on this, as I've been hearing them say things like "Look, Mom! There's your favorite store! CVS!"

"Look, Mom! This package has a coupon on it!"

The other day, I gave them expired coupons to hold while we shopped, and they were delighted. They talked about them, and what items they were for, and Aidan tried to figure out how much money they were worth. "Look, Mom! This one is 200." "Well, actually that's $2.00." Gresham calls them "poupons." On another trip, Gresham saw me put the coupons on the counter for the checkout lady and said, "Poupons! Money!"

It probably sounds a little weird, but I guess there are worse things they could be saying...


  1. Hey friend! I found your blog today and wanted to say hi. I love your coupon post. I have been the coupon queen for the past three years and friends give such a hard time sometimes, but we save the same amount that we spend so it is so worth it to me. I laughed about CVS, because I love that store too:) Hope you have a great day!

  2. This post made me laugh! My kids have a CVS song they made up and compete to collect the most "blinkie" coupons. :)
