Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last night at 3:00 a.m., I was sleeping quite soundly. This was a good thing, because I don't always sleep real well. I was awakened from my slumber by the sound of someone banging on our house. At least, that was what it sounded like! It stopped, and then started again. I could tell Jordan was awake, so I asked him if he heard it. He was concerned and went to go find out what it was. I got up and looked out our bathroom window at the street to see if I could see anything, and then went around to find Jordan.

He was in Aidan's room, with Aidan who was sitting in bed with his light on. As it turns out, Aidan was awake and needed a tissue to wipe his nose. He went out to get one in the living room, but only made it as far as the hall before he became scared of the dark. (We forgot to turn on the bathroom nightlight...) So (these are his words!) he went back to his room and cried, and then went back down the hall, and came back to his room and cried. He then decided that the best thing to do was to pound on the wall until Mom and Dad came and told him to go back to bed. When we came to tell him to go back to bed, he would ask us to get him a tissue. Dad informed him that it would have made more sense to just get one from the bathroom that is right next to his room, and go back to bed!

Tonight, I am hoping to sleep all night!

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