So, the other day, I was watering the back yard, and the biggest black widow spider that I have ever seen came darting out onto its web and back again before I had time to smack it. We have seen at least 10 of these delightful creatures since moving into our house, and this was by far the biggest! Unfortunately, her whereabouts remained elusive, and I had not seen her again despite spraying water directly at her little hole in the foundation.
Then, last night during dinner, Jordan looked out and saw her in her web in our playset! Jordan willingly left the table and killed her, which made me very happy since she looks awfully "big" and I'm not really wanting thousands of baby black widows all over the yard!
Unfortunately, I doubt that she will be the last...
YUCK! You should have just vacuumed her up. That is my method for killing evil bugs. :) Melissa has a blog!! emmagracebarnett.blogspot.com