Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is this really news?

So, Jordan and I don't usually watch the news, but we did tonight. He even adjusted our "rabbit ears" antenna so that channel 5 would come in clear, since that is my favorite news station to watch. And wow, the news has really declined.

The news opened with a story about how the police messed up big time yesterday.

Then, we heard about gas prices and how high they are. They showed a nifty chart comparing the cost of gas this year vs. last year.

This led right into a story about how students at Criswell College can hardly afford to go there anymore, because it's an all commuter school. They interviewed some people at the college who said they are trying to compact their schedules so that students can fit more into a trip.

After a commercial break which featured several large, gas-guzzling SUV's, we heard a story about how GMC is offering 0% financing for 6 years because they can hardly move the SUV's off their lot.

Next, we heard about how some electric companies in Texas are shuting down and "leaving their customers in the dark."

We also learned that since "prices at the pump" are increasing, we can also expect the "price of pumps" to go up. Shoes will increase in price at least 10% this year, because of rising fuel costs.

Also, Southwest Airlines is going to pay for a renovation of Dallas Love Field by raising ticket prices.

After all this good news, we are going to stop running our AC, get rid of our car, and stop wearing shoes! We won't need the shoes anyway since apparently we won't be able to afford to leave the house!

Jordan's theory is that the news will be entirely different if a Democrat is elected in November. Suddenly, the economy will turn around, and there will be no more recession. I bet he's right!

We are so thankful that God is in control of our economy and our lives. None of this takes Him by surprise. I think that the higher prices have been good for us - we are cutting back, thinking things through, and relying on God to supply our needs.

And I don't think we'll be watching the news anymore...

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