Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Out of the mouth of Aidan...

Aidan has been saying lots of hysterical stuff today, so let's see if I can remember it all now that we have been grocery shopping and my brain has gone to mush...

Today we played "construction workers." He dressed up in his yellow vest and tool belt, and I was the secretary. I set up a phone and a desk (TV tray) and wrote down jobs for him to do whenever we got a call. Then I put the jobs in a "mailbox" for him. The first job was to install new cabinets. I told him to go to the house and measure how much space we needed for the cabinets, so he did that and came back.
Mom: What kind of cabinets did the lady want?
Aidan: Pavement.
Mom: Pavement???
Aidan: Yeah, so we need to get a 'ment (cement) truck out there.
Mom: Okay, so how long do they need to be? Did you measure the space?
Aidan: Yes. 20 minutes long.

I guess 20 minutes is a measure of how long...

Then on the way to the grocery store, we were listening to his new favorite song, which is "All Creatures of Our God and King" sung by Fernando Ortega. EVERY TIME he asks me what "sorrow bear" means, as in "ye who long pain and sorrow bear." So tonight I explained it again, and then on the second time through the song he said, "Mom, you be Aidan and I"ll be Mom. Ask me what "sorrow bear" means because now I know!"

We actually had a fairly good trip to the grocery store. Aidan pushed Gresham in the stroller the whole time, which went much better than usual. It's nice that he can do that because I hate Gresham chewing on the cart!

Well, time for BED!

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