Saturday, May 26, 2007

Some more fun conversations...

Today Aidan and I were eating lunch, and he asked me, "Mom, when I get bigger, how will I get a husband because boys don't have babies??"
"What???" I said.
"Someday you'll have a wife. You will be the husband. Or did you mean a daughter?"
"Yeah, a daughter."
"Well some day," I told him, "you will meet a girl that you want to marry and she will be your wife. A LOOOONG time from now. And then if you and your wife have a baby and its a girl, that will be your daughter."
"Well, when I find a girl that I want to marry I will tell her she's going to marry me, because she won't know."

Good plan, son.

Later, in the car...

"Mom, how can Jesus be at Abby and Anna's house and also at our house?"
"Well, Jesus and God don't have bodies like ours. God is a spirit, so He is everywhere at one time."
"Yeah, 'cause Jesus is super light. When I die and go to heaven He will hurt my eyes. I'll have to close them. (big pause) How does Jesus see where He is going?"
"What? Um, I don't know"
"I guess the light doesn't bother Him..."

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