Two year olds are interesting creatures. They can go from cute and sweet to screaming maniacs in about 2 seconds. They possess a lot of power (and volume) with about zero self-control. For the most part, I really love having Gresham in our home, but the past couple of days, I have wanted to sell him to the highest bidder...
Friday night was my school's Christmas concert. Jordan had to work until right before the concert, so I had to get the boys ready by myself and get us all to the church in time to tune instruments. Gresham woke up from his nap, and I told him that we were going to a concert "to hear violins and cellos." "No!" he whined. "What kind of concert did you want to go to?" I asked, because he had previously been really excited about this concert. He thought a minute, and then said, "A zoo concert!" (???????) He then whined about the color of sippy cup he had, and had an all-out fit over the flavor of yogurt presented to him. We got in the van without shoes and socks on, because I figured I would put those on while he was strapped into the carseat.
Saturday wasn't much better. We went to Target to grocery shop, and he kept grabbing things off the shelves. We couldn't just go down the center of each aisle (so that he couldn't reach) because Target was so busy. He pulled some fruit cups off the shelf on one aisle, and they broke. While the nice Target man was mopping that up, Aidan was staring at him instead of watching where he was going, and ran into the cart with his face. Then on the next aisle, Gresham pulled spaghetti off the shelf. I moved the cart over so he couldn't reach. He yelled, "No sir, Mommy! No sir, Mommy!" We left without buying much, but that was okay since I had forgotten the list at home...
Today we went out for lunch after church. Gresham screamed because he couldn't have more macaroni and cheese. He screamed about not wanting a roll, and then decided to eat the whole roll in two bites. He screamed for ice cream. He did get to have some ice cream, after he changed his attitude and asked the right way. But that didn't last long... he had another fit over me wiping his mouth that lasted until about halfway home.
What a fiery little personality he has! I am realizing every day how much I need to pray for his salvation, and that the Lord would change his little heart!
I used to call my mom and tell her to be expecting a FedEx box and if it had a few holes in it to please open immediately and put in some water. LOL :)