Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I've been waiting two weeks for this post...

We're having another baby!!!!
We found out two weeks ago, but we were waiting to tell people until after going to the doctor and making sure everything was okay. We went for our first appointment today, and saw a heartbeat! Even though this is the third one, we were still amazed to see that tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound.

I am due on May 29 - the last day of school. We are very thankful for God's timing! Yes, a girl would be nice, but another boy would be just fine too.

The boys are very excited. Aidan told me the other day, "Mom, I love the new baby already!" He will be almost 6 when the baby is born, so he will really remember this.

Gresham has lots of work to do between now and then. Like being potty-trained, and learning to give up temper tantrums (just kidding - we are going to work on those things, but I have no delusions of having him totally whipped into shape by then...) I told him the other day that he will start sleeping in his big boy bed soon. Aidan added, "Yeah, because the new baby gets your crib." (Thanks a lot, Aidan). Gresham came up with the idea that "baby sleep in bunk bed. Gresham sleep in crib." Tonight, he seems to have come around, though, and told us at the dinner table that he will sleep in the bunk bed, and the baby will get "my crib."

Now we just have to wait for 7 1/2 months...


  1. I am soooo excited for you guys! Congrats again- I take it from the crackers at the fair and leaving early that you're feeling a little morningsick, I hope that you start feeling better!

  2. Yaaaah! I am so excitd for you all. I hope you are feeling o.k. I hope all is well with you. things are o.k. here.
