Saturday, May 24, 2008

A new outlook on grocery shopping!

For several weeks now, I have been moaning and groaning about the rising cost of groceries and gas upon arriving home from the grocery store. Besides driving my husband crazy, it also is not a good attitude or a great example for my children...

But, I have a new outlook, and a new method! After discovering some great coupon and money-saving websites, I have been shopping sales, printing coupons, and planning our shopping trips better. The best site is here. I really appreciate the Christian perspective on living frugally that I have found on this site. I had been using coupons and sales before, but this site has links to printable coupons and shows how to combine them with sales to get things for cheap or free!

I have been shopping this way for about 3 weeks, and so far, we have spent about $50 less per week. Our goal is to be able to save more and give more.

We may earn the money, but God is our Provider! I have been more grateful for the resources He has provided. We used to spend time wishing our life was easier (I wish we could just run to the store and buy pajamas for the kids when they need them without waiting for a sale, etc.), but now I have a different perspective. Last week, I had $15 left in our grocery budget, and I needed diapers, bread, and juice. I was wondering how in the world I could get that for $15, but I got online and found a $1.00 off juice coupon. I bought Huggies instead of Pampers since I had a $1.50 coupon for those, and spent $13.25 total! It might take me longer to plan our trips to the store, but how can I complain when we have the resources to buy all the things that we need??

It's all a matter of perspective...

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