Friday, January 15, 2010

Follow-up to Lego Negotiations, or better titled, "We're Dumb Parents"

So, after Aidan and Gresham studied the Lego catalog at length for days, Aidan finally made his order. He did some chores last Saturday and earned the last bit of money that he needed. He decided that he would rather buy the set with RC the car and Woody and Buzz than the set that he and Gresham had talked about in the video. Yeah, you can probably tell where this is going...

I knew that Gresham would be disappointed because this set would not come with the Zurg that Aidan had promised to give him, but Aidan had enough money already for the Woody set and needed another $10 for the set with Zurg in it. So we let him order that one. Gresham knew that he was not getting a Zurg and seemed fine with it.

The legos came on Wednesday. Gresham actually got the box from the front porch, but Aidan was at P.E., so we waited to open it. Aidan opened it when he got home and put it together. Then Gresham woke up from his nap. Then the fireworks began...

"But I *sob* wanted a Emperor Zurg!" (Gresham can't say "r's," so both of those words sound hilarious...)

"I want a turn with Buzz!! Aidan is not *sob* giving me a turn!"

I called Jordan, who was on his way home from work. He could hear Gresham (and Owen) screaming in the background, and I told him he could turn around and go back to work if he wanted to! Thankfully, he didn't take me up on that offer!

We decided that even though Gresham was responding the wrong way, we had probably set him up for this by letting Aidan go against what he had already promised Gresham. But God graciously provided, and in the mail we received some unexpected Christmas money, so Gresham and I headed out to Target to buy the Lego set with Zurg in it.

Well, Target was sold out of Buzz's Star Command sets. Gresham contained his disappointment, thankfully, and Jordan ordered the set online for him. He was happy with that.

The next morning, Gresham got up and was ready to go out to the front porch and retrieve his Zurg! We had sobbing all over again when he found out it would take a few days.

Hopefully on Monday, we'll have a nice shiny Lego set on our porch! And Gresham will probably lose interest in the Zurg after a couple of days, but it's okay... we felt like it was the right thing to do for him to not feel like he was treated unfairly... and Aidan knows that next time, he won't promise to give one of his brothers something and then not do it!

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