My little boy is 6 years old! He's in first grade this year! Where has the time gone????

Opening some Indian figurines from Gresham. This was a surprise to Gresham too. I didn't tell him what he got Aidan, because I knew he would tell. Andy, do you remember telling me exactly what I was getting when I turned 6? Little brothers are good at that. Soon, Gresham will be old enough to pick out his own gifts for people and appreciate the surprise. Maybe.

Wow! It's the nerf gun I wanted!

Here is Mr. Fix-it with his tools. He rigged up this set-up himself. We actually used to do this with our little tikes car to get under it and fix it, but now that car is an outside toy.

My baby Owen is two months old already!!! He is almost sleeping through the night - he sleeps from about 9:30 p.m. until 4:30 a.m. now, and goes right back to bed without keeping us up for two hours. It sure is nice to feel like I've had a decent night's sleep!

I call this picture Pretzel Legs.
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