He is looking and acting much more like a baby now, and less like a newborn, but he still sometimes curls up in a newborn pose!

Gresham is trying to look like Owen. Note the size differential... it's amazing how much growth takes place between 2 months and 2 years! Just the difference in feet makes me laugh!

This was the first time I have seen him hold his head up this high! He also rolled over in his crib this afternoon. I heard him fussing and went in and found him on his back!
These 8 weeks have flown by... I can't believe he will be 2 months old in a week. He is such a cute baby and loves to cuddle. He is smiling at us now and making lots of cute cooing noises. And the nights are going better... he now goes back to sleep after he eats, which is enabling his parents to be much more sane!
Owen, we are so thankful to God for giving you to us. You are a precious gift and we love you!
I love those pictures with his head up!! He is so cute. BTW I have gotten 11 swagbucks...are you reaping the benefits?