No, it isn't a rock collection. This is what came out of Aidan's shoes upon returning home from choir. I gathered them all up off the carpet, because I don't think my vaccuum can handle the strain.
At least we had a great day of "school" today! I bought Aidan a book to learn to tell time, and another one on numbers 1-30. We are doing the time one first, because he is really interested in that. Today he had to fill in the missing numbers on a clock face. He looked at tomorrow's page, and saw that it was a blank clock in which to fill in all the numbers. He said, "Wow, this is really up my alley!"
This is reminding me of all the Aidan stories I keep meaning to post... By the time bedtime rolls around, I'm too brain dead to think...
The other week, I picked him up from choir, and he said, "Well, we never got to finish our Star Wars game."
"You played a Star Wars game at choir???"
"No, me and Abby and Zachary were just playing it on the playground."
"Oh. How do you play Star Wars?"
"Well, we were acting out the movie (pause) but I don't think any of us have seen the movie, so I don't think we were doing it right..."
"No, probably not."
"Abby was pretending I was the boy that loved her. And Zachary kept telling us to stop hugging when we were hugging."
"Yeah, you really shouldn't be hugging at choir, ok, son?"
There's never a dull moment!
Is that my Abby? What a hoot! I think my kids have spring fever or something - their imaginations have been running wild lately. I did have a talk with Davey about pretending to be married - to one of his sisters! :) Ah, childhood. :)