firefighters at the grocery store!! Real ones!! They drove their ambulance to the store, and it was so cool. Aidan would have followed them all around the store if I had let him.
I decided that I would like to be 4 1/2 again. By that point, you can do most things for yourself, but you still get to live a life of leisure (most of the time)!
Aidan cracks me up with his imagination. He just loves to pretend to be someone. When he saw the firefighters he said, "Seeing their outfits just makes me want to go home and put on my firefighter stuff! Oh, I just cannot wait to play firefighter!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
No, this isn't my new hobby...

No, it isn't a rock collection. This is what came out of Aidan's shoes upon returning home from choir. I gathered them all up off the carpet, because I don't think my vaccuum can handle the strain.
At least we had a great day of "school" today! I bought Aidan a book to learn to tell time, and another one on numbers 1-30. We are doing the time one first, because he is really interested in that. Today he had to fill in the missing numbers on a clock face. He looked at tomorrow's page, and saw that it was a blank clock in which to fill in all the numbers. He said, "Wow, this is really up my alley!"
This is reminding me of all the Aidan stories I keep meaning to post... By the time bedtime rolls around, I'm too brain dead to think...
The other week, I picked him up from choir, and he said, "Well, we never got to finish our Star Wars game."
"You played a Star Wars game at choir???"
"No, me and Abby and Zachary were just playing it on the playground."
"Oh. How do you play Star Wars?"
"Well, we were acting out the movie (pause) but I don't think any of us have seen the movie, so I don't think we were doing it right..."
"No, probably not."
"Abby was pretending I was the boy that loved her. And Zachary kept telling us to stop hugging when we were hugging."
"Yeah, you really shouldn't be hugging at choir, ok, son?"
There's never a dull moment!
Easter in Houston
We had a great trip to Houston for Easter weekend! It was fun to relax and not have to think about meal planning/laundry/work for a few days! We drove down on Friday, and got to Jordan's aunt and uncle's house mid-afternoon. Aidan and Gresham got to stretch their legs at a nice city park, and then we went with Aunt Jan and Uncle Barry to the Good Friday service at their church.

Here is everyone on Easter Sunday. I have many more pictures on a CD that Uncle Barry took with his camera, but since our optical drive isn't working right, it's taking forever to edit and post them. I'll add more another day...

Every time that we have gone to Houston, it has been July, and I have vowed never to go there again! This March trip was much more pleasant!
We had fun seeing everyone and meeting the new baby cousins!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
We're off!
To Houston, that is! We're leaving tomorrow. Aidan probably won't sleep all night because he is so excited (that's what he said, anyway... I'm sure he'll sleep some!)
Here's a picture for Grandma Dees of Gresham in Aidan's bath towel. What a goofy kid! He's really into wearing hats and sunglasses right now, and they are more fun if they don't belong to him.

Daphne came to visit us this week, and we had a great time. She is a friend from college. Aidan told me, "When you told me she was coming, I thought, 'I'm not so sure about this,' but then when she got here, I really liked her! I had just forgotten what she looked like." We had a fun visit, and even got to go shopping without the kids!
In other news, I got my hair cut today. That is something that happens every once in a blue moon. I actually even made an appointment for May when I was leaving!!!! I really like it, and it helps me look my age...

We'll be back home on Monday, with lots of good stories I'm sure!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
It all started innocently enough...
On Monday, I started a new violin student. Aidan was watching the lesson, and was playing with the scissors that I had out to cut tapes for the new student's violin fingerboard. This got him in the mood to cut, but I told him he needed to wait until violin was over, and then he could cut up some junk mail. Well, we only got one small item of junk mail (a miracle!), so I got out some catalogs for him to cut up.
One thing led to another, and before we knew it, we were all throwing paper wads at each other...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A glimpse into the mind of Aidan...
On Saturday night, I was trying to get Aidan to hurry up and get ready for bed.
Mom: Son, stop goofing around and get ready for bed! We are going to bed early tonight because we have to move our clocks one hour ahead tonight.
Aidan: Why?????
Mom: Well, I don't know, really. It's something we do every year. Tomorrow night, it will still be light after dinner because of the time change. But tonight we will have one less hour of sleep, and so I need you to get to bed.
Aidan: Oh, does God know we're doing this, and He creates the night shorter?
Mom: No, not exactly...
Next year I won't even bring up daylight savings time. I forget that I can't mention things in passing without getting an endless stream of questions!!!
Then tonight he asked me, "Mom, what do you think baby hawks want to be when they grow up?"
I told him they probably just want to do what big hawks do. He agreed, and said that they probably want to be moms and dads because all hawks are moms and dads.
I never know what is going to come out of his mouth!
Mom: Son, stop goofing around and get ready for bed! We are going to bed early tonight because we have to move our clocks one hour ahead tonight.
Aidan: Why?????
Mom: Well, I don't know, really. It's something we do every year. Tomorrow night, it will still be light after dinner because of the time change. But tonight we will have one less hour of sleep, and so I need you to get to bed.
Aidan: Oh, does God know we're doing this, and He creates the night shorter?
Mom: No, not exactly...
Next year I won't even bring up daylight savings time. I forget that I can't mention things in passing without getting an endless stream of questions!!!
Then tonight he asked me, "Mom, what do you think baby hawks want to be when they grow up?"
I told him they probably just want to do what big hawks do. He agreed, and said that they probably want to be moms and dads because all hawks are moms and dads.
I never know what is going to come out of his mouth!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
This week, we had an amazing snowstorm! I don't think I've ever seen this much snow in Texas. Well, real snow that is, as opposed to ice. We got about 4 or 5" at our house. Alliance airport got 6.9."
Aidan is ready to move up north now. He kept saying, "Mom, let's move to a land where there is a lot of snow. I just cannot stop wanting to out and play in it!!"

Friday, March 7, 2008
I know what it says!
Today we were riding in the car, and Aidan said, "Mom! The seatbelt thing says 'press'!"
"Wow," I said. "How did you know?"
"I just said the letter sounds, and it says 'press'!"
This was probably the first word he has read on his own outside of our homeschool time. After his success, he decided to read every word he saw on the way to Grandma's. He got stuck quickly on "Texaco" and "Capital One," but I'm glad to see him excited to be reading!
"Wow," I said. "How did you know?"
"I just said the letter sounds, and it says 'press'!"
This was probably the first word he has read on his own outside of our homeschool time. After his success, he decided to read every word he saw on the way to Grandma's. He got stuck quickly on "Texaco" and "Capital One," but I'm glad to see him excited to be reading!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Not much happening here...
There's actually not much going on in the Dees house! We are mostly staying home and trying to get over colds. Gresham went to the doctor today, and got an antibiotic for a sinus infection. The doctor thinks that is what's causing the gross "eye boogers." Let's hope so.
Gresham's Vocabulary (the most interesting thing I could think of to blog about)
up! (when he wants to be picked up)
bye bye
ginky (drink)
hoos (shoes)
violin (you'd have to live with him to understand him say this one)
nana (banana)
papa (Grandpa)
'side (outside)
uh-oh (his first word at 10 months)
sassy (pacifier)
mo mo (more)
sauce (applesauce)
The one word he doesn't (won't) say is Mommy. He is capable of saying it perfectly clear, but he refuses to. He has said Daddy clearly for months. Now it has become a big joke. Today I was saying "can you say Mommy??" and he said "No!"
Gresham's Vocabulary (the most interesting thing I could think of to blog about)
up! (when he wants to be picked up)
bye bye
ginky (drink)
hoos (shoes)
violin (you'd have to live with him to understand him say this one)
nana (banana)
papa (Grandpa)
'side (outside)
uh-oh (his first word at 10 months)
sassy (pacifier)
mo mo (more)
sauce (applesauce)
The one word he doesn't (won't) say is Mommy. He is capable of saying it perfectly clear, but he refuses to. He has said Daddy clearly for months. Now it has become a big joke. Today I was saying "can you say Mommy??" and he said "No!"
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