Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas Shopping!

Mom: Today I'm going Christmas shopping, but another day, I'll take you. You can pick out a present for Daddy and Gresham.
Aidan: and you!
Mom: Sure, you can buy me a present, but I think you'll have to do that with Dad.
Aidan: I'll get you the Lightning McQueen racetrack
Mom: But I don't want the Lightning McQueen racetrack.
Aidan: (shocked) Oh, why???
Mom: Well, I don't really play with Lightning McQueen. What do I like to do? Think about what I would like.
Aidan: Hmm. Well you mostly do work like clean up messes.
Daddy: Just because that's what she spends a lot of time on doesn't mean that's what she likes!

Well said, Dad.


Aidan: What should we get Grandpa?
Mom: I don't know. What do you want to get him?
Aidan: A new mower.
Mom: Grandpa doesn't need a new mower.
Aidan: Ok, a weeder.
Mom: Grandpa doesn't need a weeder. He has one. Think about what he doesn't have.
Aidan: I know, he doesn't have a jackhammer!!!
Mom: No, that's true, he doesn't...

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