Thursday, May 20, 2010

Late to bed, early to rise...

Every year, as we approach summer, the sun starts getting up earlier. And every year, my children feel the need to do the same.

Gresham has just discovered bedtime stalling, and along with getting up with the sun, he is getting very little sleep. Tuesday morning was the worst. Gresham came in at 6:20 a.m. to ask me to wipe him, which means that he probably got up to go potty at about 6:00 based on how long he'll sit there hoping someone will come wipe him before he gets up and goes to find someone. By the time I got up for good at 7:00 a.m., the boys were fighting in their room and had woken up Owen. Such a refreshing start to the day!

I gave them a firm reminder of the morning rules. I told them that they had gotten up at the ridiculously early hour of 6:00 a.m. They are not to get up until 7:15. Once it's 7:15 (so thankful that Aidan can tell time!), they can read in their beds until I come get them. After my lecture, I asked Gresham to tell me what the rules are.

He said very seriously, "Don't get up before A.O.M!"

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