So our new hobby is going to the doctor. We go there all the time. Today, we had our 5th visit in 3 weeks time! It was Owen's 4th visit in 3 weeks. First we had a 9 month well visit for Owen and a 3 year well visit for Gresham, followed by a sick visit for Owen for a fever 5 days later at Aidan's well visit. Then, a week after that we went back because Gresham had an ear infection. Two days later, we took Owen in for an ear infection. (Did you follow all of that?)
The other day, I cleaned up the van a little and found about 25 discarded lollypop sticks from all those doctor visits. We've got to stop going, or we're going to have to schedule some dentist visits! There are some benefits, though. We don't have to sign in anymore because the receptionist knows who we are and signs us in automatically...
Today, we took Owen in for this:

About 20 min. after he got over his ear infection (from last week), he developed a new cough, runny nose, and fever. Then today he woke up with this horrid rash! We weren't able to see our doctor, but they got us in with another doctor. She thought it was probably just a virus and not a reaction to the antibiotic he is on, but she brought in another doctor just to make sure! They consulted together and decided that it's just a virus. I'm pretty sure we picked up this virus at the doctor's office last week. I've been getting lax and letting the kids play on the benches and read all the books there. Guess we'll have to go back to bringing our own books...
Hopefully in a few days, he'll be back to his happy self again. He looks worse than he feels, but his eating is really suffering, especially since eating is such a low priority for him anyway.
We're ready for spring!
THAT is an impressive rash!!!