Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm praying they make it to adulthood...

So it turns out that I have not one, but two sons who are always right. When in doubt, they ignore Mom's years of experience and go with their own knowledge... The other night, I was reading Gresham a board book about baby animals.

Me: Look, that's a baby horse. It's called a foal.
Gresham: No, actually (actually???) it's a horse.
Me: Well, a baby horse is called a foal.
Gresham: No, it's actually a HORSE.
Me: Here is a baby sheep. It's called a lamb.
Gresham: No, actually it's a sheep.

He did have to agree when we got to puppies and kittens, because he already knew about those.

Aidan smacked his head on a piece of furniture today while doing a cartwheel in the living room. This was about 30 min. after he arrived home from the neighbor's house, where he almost sustained a serious injury with a bungee cord. Something in his little 5 year old head told him that it would be a good idea to jump off of their playset while using a bungee cord across his neck to slow his descent. It hurt pretty bad, and he came home all shaken up about it. I have told him to never EVER put things around his neck, but he is a boy who must learn the hard way sometimes.

Oh Lord, please preserve them until they have some sense!!!!


  1. I am thankful that Aidan didn't sustain any serious injuries from the bungee cord but I can hardly stop laughing. May the Lord preserve them and mine...

  2. My husband says that they don't "aquire" sense. It is beaten into them repeatedly as they grow up. That is why so many adults who were never disciplined don't have any sense.
    I am praying that the Lord preserves your children and mine as they get older. I am sorry to hear about the bungee cord, but like Taneil I can't stop laughing. That is too funny.
