Monday, February 18, 2008


Near our house, there is a place called "Let's Jump" that has all sorts of indoor bounce houses. Aidan has been asking to go there for some time, but it seems like the only time we think of it is right in the middle of cold and flu season, and those bounce houses just seem so germy to me. Plus, we can do them for free twice a year at church. So I've been telling him that maybe we can go in the summer, when there aren't so many germs around.

So, yesterday, I was trying to figure out if I should take Aidan to Cubbies at church or not, because I wasn't sure if he had pink eye. His eyes had been red since Wednesday, but I really thought it probably had more to do with his cold and sinus congestion. Aidan desperately wanted to go to Cubbies because it was Crazy Hair Night...

Mom: I just don't think we should go to Cubbies. You don't want to give pink eye to the other kids if you have it.
Aidan: Awww, but I want my hair to stick up with gel!
Mom: I know, I'm sorry...
Aidan: Oh, I know! (lightbulb turning on) Let's go to that bounce house place! Is it open today???
Mom: Why in the world would I take you there if I think you shouldn't go to Cubbies???
Aidan: Well, that's where all the sick people go... to the bounce house place!

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