Sunday, October 21, 2007

This should prove to be an interesting week...

This week should be rather exciting as plumbers are coming on Tuesday to fix our leak! We still don't know exactly what the problem is... a man came last week and ran a camera through our pipes, but he couldn't determine the exact cause because the camera was under water... muddy water. Thankfully, VERY thankfully, the builder has agreed to pay, and they are coming out Tuesday with their plumber to pump out the water, send the camera in again, and then jackhammer up the slab!! I thought Aidan would think this was super neat, but he is terrified of the idea of a jackhammer at his own house! He and Gresham will be spending the day elsewhere, so he doesn't need to worry.

This all sounds like a lot of work and stress and cleaning up to me, but we have gotten some good advice on how to get our house ready for the mess, and I know that ultimately God is completely sovereign over the cause of this problem! He was in control when the builders were laying this pipe in the first place! This will be a good opportunity to trust the Lord and see Him work. I can't believe that I actually agree with what I just said, but the Lord has been gracious in teaching me to trust Him. I also have come to see in a new way the value of trials. We'll see how I feel about this after a jackhammer has been through my living room... but like a said, it will be an opportunity to learn more!

Yesterday, Aidan and I had a great conversation about kindergarten:
Aidan: Mom, can I go to kindergarten at the school where you teach?
Mom: I don't know. Maybe. Do you want to go to kindergarten there?
Aidan: Yes. (pause) I just hope kindergarten is not on Grandma day. (he doesn't want to miss any of his precious time with Grandma while I am away teaching!)
Mom: Well, kindergarten is every day.
Aidan: Ohhhh
Mom: But if we do homeschooling we will do kindergarten every day anyway. Kindergarten is real school and so...
Aidan: (interrupting) Oh! I just thought of a good plan! something something Grandma can something something pick me up something something something Gresham something something
Mom: WHAT???
Aidan: Well, Grandma can come to our house some days and take me to kindergarten and she can play out in the hall with Gresham and then take me home while you are still teaching.
Mom: Um, sorry, that won't work. This is really a decision that Dad and Mom are going to make anyway.
Aidan: Oh...

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