The day of Gresham's party was rather exciting. Grandpa and Grandma Dees came to town from California, and Aidan and Jordan went with them to the State Fair. Too bad I don't have pictures of that... While they were gone, Gresham and I stayed home to get ready for the party and deal with the big plumbing mess we were having. The kitchen sink stopped up on Thursday night (good timing!) and Jordan tried plunging and Drain-O, but alas, we had to call a plumber. $132 later, the sink was fixed, but we may have to have more work done. The sink was stopped up with mud, and how it got there, we don't know. The mud was actually in the pipes under the house. We probably have a leak of some sort in the slab and will have to have the floor jackhammered up, but we'll know more next week after they send cameras through our pipes ($$$$$$). In case you're wondering, the warranty expired 4 months ago. Hopefully our insurance will cover it...

We got him this Little Tikes car, and he loves it. You can probably guess who also loves it!!

The cake was not a hit. He is not a boy with a sweet tooth. He loves meat, casseroles, cheese, and veggies, so good for him!
Happy birthday, Gresham! :) He is such a doll!