Monday, September 17, 2007

I know what those random strangers are doing, Mom...

Aidan has been cracking us up lately with his assumptions about what various strangers that he sees out in public are doing and why they are doing it. Yesterday on the way to church, we saw several people out biking. As in long distance racing type biking. Aidan said, "I wonder where they're going. Do you think they're going to church, Mom?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Oh. Well, maybe they're going home from a hotel because they have been staying there a long time because their house caught on fire..."
Yeah, I bet that's it!

Today at the lunch table he was saying "whewww!" and waving his hand in front of his face like something smelled bad. I asked him why he was doing that.
"Well, I'm doing this to teach Gresh that this is what we do when something smells bad!"
"Why does he need to know that???"
"Well, (in a real innocent voice) I want him to grow up to be a responsible boy, and he needs to learn that's what we do when something smells bad!"
I laughed until I cried on that one!

On Saturday our neighborhood is having a garage sale, and I'm going to let Aidan have a drink stand and sell drinks. So check back... that should provide material for some more blogging!

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