Friday, June 22, 2007

E is for Embarassing

I think that one delightful part of the child-rearing experience is hearing your children say embarrassing things in public. The other week we were at Cabela's and I was trying on shoes and Aidan said, "that man is awfully old to be working here!" Then, at another store, "That lady has a funny voice!" She heard, and responded with, "So I sound funny, huh?" Delightful.

So this week is VBS, and he managed to top both of those. This morning his teacher informed me that yesterday they were decorating shells and making little creatures out of them, and Aidan said, "Mine looks sexy." Nice. The teachers had a great laugh, the story seems to be spreading around VBS real well, and everyone is wondering what goes on at the Dees house! I have no idea where he heard it. My first reaction was to correct him for it, but I'm sure that he heard it somewhere in passing and has no idea what it means, and correcting him will probably just make him want to say it more because then he'll know it's bad!!

The Lord has a way of humbling us through our children!


  1. You made my day! I laughed so hard, I cried! :)

  2. Yes, children are here to humble us. :) David once said - thankfully not loud enough to be heard (this time) - "that lady is fat." Very matter-of-fact - just making an observation!
