Aidan actually slept in this morning until 8:00 a.m. - a real treat!
We went to Gresham's 8 month well check this morning, and Aidan bounced all over the waiting room. We managed to make it through the appointment without much excitement, and then went to Subway for lunch. At Subway, he sat in at least 4 different booths while I waited in line and alternated between asking for chips and asking for soda. (We shared a bag of chips, but no soda for him. He absolutely does NOT need the sugar!!) We came home, and I told him that he could play quietly in his room during nap time. I set his alarm clock and told him not to come out until the alarm went off. He came out once to tell me his ant bites hurt. Then came out again to tell me that he found his beanie baby elephant. Then called from the bathroom for me to please come wipe him. (When will we outgrow this little ritual??) Finally, he managed to stay put for a good hour, and I got some work done on a VBS lesson. After his room time, he wanted a snack, so I got him a yogurt. He spilled yogurt on his pants, the front of his shirt, and the back of his shirt. I have no idea how. .. I helped him take his clothes off and sent him to go put on clean ones. He came back wearing a long sleeved Buzz Lightyear shirt (a favorite) and I sent him back to get something short-sleeved. He left and came back again because he couldn't get the Buzz Lightyear shirt off. I helped him take it off, and discovered it had peanut butter on it, so I sent him to the laundry room and then to go find a shirt. Meanwhile, the phone rang, and it was the parent of one of my students at the school. I was trying to listen to her and also to Aidan saying "well what can I wear????" I finally told Aidan to go put something on, anything, and I didn't care what it was. This caused the mom on the phone to laugh and laugh, as she has 6 kids!
Aidan was quiet from 4:00-4:30 while Curious George was on. Then the fun really began! I asked him to help me make dinner, and sent him to go wash his hands. We were making a casserole that he has helped with before, and he does a good job helping to cook now. However, it took him forever to wash his hands. Then, I asked him to get a chair to stand on, and he was so absolutely wild in this task that I decided he should just go play outside for a while. He put on his outside shoes (covered with mud) and played outside for about 3 minutes. While I was answering the phone, he came in and took off his shoes, which left an incredible amount of dirt on the floor. We cleaned up the dirt, and I set him up to draw pictures at the kitchen table. He spent 2 minutes drawing, 5 minutes dropping every single crayon on the floor, and 20 minutes picking up all the crayons. I had to help him finish because dinner was on the table!!
After dinner, we went back to drawing, because I wanted a decent picture to send to Great Granny Dees. He drew a really nice person - his best ever, and then scribbled all over the face. We made 8 attempts at drawing a new one and never got anything that I can send to Granny!
We then put Gresham in the stroller and walked to the neighborhood park, where Aidan spent about 15 glorious minutes throwing rocks in the creek. Finally! A place where throwing rocks is acceptable!
We came home, had baths, and read books. Gresham fell asleep while we were reading, and Aidan hugged him and kissed him and told him that he loved him.
Tomorrow will be a fun day, because he will get his Cars movie toys back. Dad and I took them away on Monday night after he and some neighbor boys threw gravel all over the back yard. On Tuesday, I had him pick up all the rocks and gravel that he threw, and he got into fire ants and got at least 10 bites on one arm and hand. So hopefully we will remember not to throw rocks in the future, unless it's throwing them into the creek at the park!
One day, he will be grown, and it will be so quiet here, and I will miss his happy face and cheerful voice and loud singing...