Friday, June 25, 2010

Owen Update

Owen is now 13 months old, and we are still working on getting him onto solid foods... He actually has been doing pretty well lately. He has been drinking his bottles well for a few months now, but his solid food intake has been really up and down. A meal for him can be 5 cheerios or 3 bites of toast. I'm not kidding... My other two were picky at this age, but ate the foods they liked in mass quantities, so feeding Owen has been an interesting adventure! Last week he did great - he ate all kinds of things like taco meat mixed with pasta, fresh cooked green beans, bananas, etc. This week he is not doing so well, but he had a molar poke it's way through the other day, and more are definitely on the way.

We stopped his Nexium per doctor's orders on Wednesday. The thinking is that he should be over his gastritis by now, and it's a good age to try getting him off the medicine. So far, it doesn't seem to be bothering him to be off it. He's not eating great, but I think that is from the teething. It's so hard to know, and there are so many factors that it just gets very frustrating at times. I wanted to try him on dairy again before stopping the Nexium, but I never got a chance. We've tried to re-introduce dairy twice, and both times he has started spitting up and waking up from naps screaming, but both times there have ended up being other things going on - teething or the onset of a cold... I've been waiting for a good time to try dairy one more time, but that just hasn't happened yet! My gut feeling is that he is truly bothered by dairy. He tested negative for a dairy allergy, though, so it would just be an intolerance that he would most likely grow out of. The bummer is that he really likes grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese and eats those things really well.

I keep telling myself that I'm sure he won't be taking his bottle of alimentum to Sunday School while the other kids eat goldfish and animal crackers... Surely one day we'll be past this stage!

He is walking now, though! I'll have to post pictures. It's very cute. By the way, I am having trouble posting videos from my new camera. It records in high-def, so maybe that's just too much to upload?

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