On Saturday, we went to one of our favorite spring activities... Spring into Nash Farm! Nash Farm is an historic farm. Every spring and fall they have a day of free family activities, and the kids love it. I actually have lots of good pictures this time, thanks to my dad taking most of them!

Aidan got to make his own rope with this neat machine.

Cutting the finished rope.

Now he's all ready to tie up some bad guys! Seriously, I never knew a rope could be so fun. Aidan hardly put it down the rest of the day. While we were at Nash Farm, he rode a pony with his rope in one hand and the reigns in the other hand. He said he felt like a real cowboy. Then at home, he used it to climb his bunk beds (we nixed that idea real fast) and lift things up to his playset in the backyard. At one point, Gresham was calling from their bedroom, and Aidan said, "I better get my rope! This sounds like an emergency!"

Here is Gresham milking a goat. He quickly decided that it was too hard and not worth the effort. At least he had the experience!

This is what Owen did all morning! Rode in his stroller and chewed his jacket. But, he also drank 6 oz. out of his bottle in less than 20 minutes, which is probably a record for eating while being out. Usually he is so distracted and won't eat. He'd rather do almost anything than eat, so it doesn't take much to distract him. This is getting better, though!

Aidan looks so grown up in this picture. I think it's the watch. It's hard to believe he'll be 7 this summer! He is really changing from a little kid to a big kid. He was not interested in the hay ride this time or petting the animals... our boy is growing up too fast!

Gresham, on the other hand, is happy to be 3! And I'm glad for that.
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