Monday, February 9, 2009

Aidan's writing

Aidan has really gotten better at writing lately, and his spelling is so funny. I love this stage...

The other day, he was carrying our Target shopping list (on a clipboard), and he was writing words on the list. My favorite was "groj" - garage.

Then yesterday my mom brought him a bunch of pew prayer request cards and little envelopes from church. She was helping clean the sanctuary, and these were things they were going to throw away. Today he made one card into a "business card." It says, "iF your Tolit is broecin col 8171234567 tok." Translation: If your toilet is broken, call 817 123 4567 talk. He knows you have to hit the "talk" button on the phone.

It's funny to see his spelling, because it shows me how he hears things!

1 comment:

  1. I just love this story. You have a very smart boy! I love how their minds work. This is why I taught kindergarten for seven years.
