I am two.
No one is the boss of me.
Hey, I don't even really have control over myself!
If I want something, I will have it. If I can't have it, I will scream. If screaming doesn't work, I will throw myself on the floor and kick. If I don't feel like a fit, I will run and hide somewhere. If Mom wants me to go somewhere, and I don't want to, I will have instant jelly legs. That is the power of being two.
I'm cute and I know it. Since everyone thinks I'm cute when I say new words, I use that to my advantage. Today I told Mommy, "Need sassy!" (pacifier) and she gave it to me. (Mom- This is true...)
If I have something, it must be mine. If I put it down and someone else picks it up, I will scream because it's still mine. If I use a library computer, then even when I get down, no one else should use it because it's "my pooter." (Mom- Also true...) If I want to try on Mom's shoes, then I should be able to. If Mom is having a snack, I should have a bite. Or several bites.
Note from Mom: Anyone who wants to understand total depravity should live with a two year old for a few days! Yesterday, Gresham was crying because I wouldn't let him do something at the breakfast table that would have resulted in him choking. It reminded me how much we are all like two-year-olds... we have such a limited perpective on what God is doing in our lives, but when things don't go our way, we throw a fit... just in a much more refined way than Gresham's... My children are definitely a tool in my sanctification!
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