Tuesday, July 3, 2007


This post really needs some pictures to go with it, but unfortunately I don't have any...

Yesterday started with Jordan waking me up at 7:00 a.m. saying, "What's the best way to get poop out of the carpet?" I'll omit most of the details on this one, but let's just say that when Aidan has an accident, it's best if he is not the only one doing the cleaning up. He meant well because he was trying to not bother mom and dad, but, well...

Jordan left for work, and the boys and I got busy on the million things we needed to get done. We cleaned the hall bathroom and did four loads of laundry. Then, we decided to vacuum out the van. It has been a mess lately with all the rain and mud. So we put Gresham in his excersaucer in the garage and got out the Shop-vac. Well, the noise of the Shop-vac made Gresh go absolutely bonkers! Aidan was doing the vacuuming so that he could earn some quarters for his piggy bank, but I had to just take over and try to finish fast. I sent Aidan into the house for some Cheerios to try to keep Gresham happy. Aidan couldn't find the diaper bag with the small bowl of Cheerios in it, so he brought out the whole box. I turned around in the van in time to see him pour a whole ton all over Gresham's excersaucer. I decided to just see what he would do... unfortunately he started stuffing Cheerios into his mouth while still crying (and now choking) so I used the Shop-vac to vacuum them all up off his saucer. You can imagine the crying that produced!

So the van isn't much cleaner, but at least we tried. It took Gresham a good hour to get over it. I finally got caught up on all our house projects during nap time, which was good because Uncle Andy was coming over later to go with us to rent a Budget truck so that we could move Andy's couch from our garage to his new apartment and move a piano to our house that a family at church gave us.

Thunder started rumbling while we were waiting at the Budget place, but thankfully it rained while we were eating dinner and stopped in time to load the couch and go get the piano.

When we got to Andy's apartment, we discovered that the couch would not fit through the door. Well, actually, the door wasn't the problem, it was the coat closet directly in front of the door. The couch had to go in at such an angle that it was impossible. Why would anyone design an apartment like this? Where people are going to be moving in and out on a regular basis? After a frustrating 30 min., we loaded the couch back up and went back to put it in our garage again. At this point, it was raining again...

When we got back to our house, Andy pulled the truck into the driveway and hit Jordan's car in the process. The back bumper is folded in half backwards... This was quite exciting for Aidan who was riding in the truck! It shouldn't be a big deal to fix, but poor Andy was pretty much thinking he should have just stayed home by this point!

At least the piano is safely in our house and we have enjoyed playing it today!

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