Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Suh-weet New Camera

So, my wonderful husband let me get a sweet new digital camera! Ours has been a frustration for quite some time. It's about 5 years old, and digital has improved a lot since then. After much research, I got the Canon Rebel T1i. It's a digital SLR. I know almost nothing about photography, so reading the manual was sort of like reading a foreign language, but I am starting to figure some things out! It has an auto mode, so I can still take good pictures despite my lack of photography skillz. Why are these words underlined? I have no idea. My computer skillz are about as bad as my photography skillz. Anyway, here is Owen during his 24 hour pH study.

Aidan got his second book award for Sparks on Sunday night.
Here he is with one of his good friends.

Dad and Owen

Let me out! Let me out!

Isn't this a cute picture?

Too bad the camera didn't come with an automatic posing feature! It takes pictures blazingly fast, though, so I can keep up with my monkeys. Or try to at least.

1 comment:

  1. Fairly amazing that he's smiling in that one w/ the splints! What a trooper!
