Sunday, January 24, 2010

Small Miracles

Miracle #1:

On Monday of last week, Owen fussed at the end of a bottle because he wanted more!! We had taken him off his reflux medication for the month of December because it didn't seem to be making any difference. We tried some more natural remedies, but nothing seemed to make much difference, and he was teething the whole month anyway, which always makes his eating terrible. After doing some reading, I decided to start him back up on the medicine because I figured that even if it didn't make him eat any better, maybe it would at least prevent damage (or further damage) to his esophagus. We started on a higher dose because he had grown since he got the prescription, and within 48 hours we started seeing improvement! It seemed to take a few days for him to realize that it doesn't hurt anymore and that he can eat more, and he has gotten progressively better. We are very thankful to God that Owen seems to be past the worst of the reflux! I have been very cautiously optimistic, but this seems to be real improvement!

Miracle #2

The other morning, I was feeding Owen his morning bottle (which involves me being in Owen's room with the door shut because he won't eat if there is anything more interesting to do...) and I could hear the big boys fighting in the other room. I was sitting there trying to decide how to approach this one, when the conversation took a pleasant turn...

Aidan: Gimme that guy back!
Gresham: No! I'm having it.
Aidan: No, actually you aren't. I had it.
Gresham: I'm having him! I want it!
Aidan: No, you're giving it back to me RIGHT NOW!
(insert toy-throwing noises and running across the house noises)
Gresham: NOOOOOO!
(bedroom door slams)
(bedroom door opens)
Aidan: I'm not playing with you ever again.
Gresham: Yes you are!
(now I can tell they are back in the living room)
Aidan: Gresham, I was just thinking, "Which is more important, Gresham or this guy?" And I decided that Gresham is more important. You can play with the guy.
Gresham: Ok!

I came out and told Aidan that I was proud of him for making the right decision. Yes, Gresham should not have taken the toy, but no toy is worth responding sinfully over. Aidan said, "I felt really happy when I did the right thing!"

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