Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life with Three

So, I haven't quite gotten the hang of managing three children yet. Here's how our morning went today...

We are taking Aidan to a Suzuki violin institute later in the week, so we needed to go shopping for things to pack in our lunches. I wanted to go to Target last night, and that didn't happen, so we really needed to go today. My plan was to let the boys watch Curious George, feed Owen, and then leave. Curious George comes on at 9:00. At 9:30 (end of George...) Owen was still sleeping, despite my attempts to wake him. Finally at 9:45, he woke up and starting eating. While I fed him, Aidan and Gresham fought over Thomas trains.

Something started to smell, and so I asked Gresham if he was poopy. He said no. After a few minutes, the smell hadn't dissipated, and so I checked. He was in fact poopy. So, then I had to discipline him for lying.

Mom: Gresham, Mommy asked if you were poopy. What did you say?
Gresham: I said NO
Mom: Yes, and are you poopy?
Gresham: No, I am NOT.
Mom: (baffled) You really think you are not?
Gresham: Yes, I am NOT.
Mom: There is poop in your diaper. How did it get there?
Gresham: Aidan did it.

Why am I reasoning with a 2 year old? I have no idea... I put Owen in his carseat, and we moved on to putting on shoes. By now it is 10:30. I asked Gresham to go get his shoes. He never returned. Aidan went to find him and Gresham had gotten out all of Aidan's money from his wallet on top of their dresser and was putting dollar bills down in slots in the step stool. Maybe coins too - I didn't go in there to find out. So now Owen is crying in his carseat, and Gresham is crying because he is in trouble about the money. I announced that we were giving up and not going to Target. This made Aidan cry about not having things to pack in our lunches. So, I gritted my teeth and said, fine, we would try again.

At 11:15 we were finally arriving at Target. Only an hour and a half behind schedule, not too bad...

We'll miss them when they're grown...

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the funniest poop stories I have heard.
