Sunday, December 14, 2008


A couple weeks ago, Aidan asked me, "So... were you and Dad friends before you got married?" I told him yes. "So you marry someone you're friends with?"
"Yes," I said.
"Good," he said, "then I can marry Abby."

Aidan and Abby have liked each other since they were babies. Seriously. We used to live near them in our apartment complex, so they saw each other a lot, and have always been great friends. Aidan is on his very best behavior for Abby, and has somehow managed to get her to think that he is neat, thoughtful, and responsible. Her mom told me that Abby came home from Sunday School talking about how "some of the boys would just tear up the house, but not Aidan..." I thought, "Is this my Aidan we're talking about??? The boy who prides himself on not changing socks?"

So after having the above conversation, Aidan asked Abby to marry him at children's choir. He told me just tonight, "She was so embarrassed when I asked her, but she said that she had been thinking the same thing (about marrying him).

Jordan told him that he is not allowed to talk about it anymore... 5 is too young to be deciding who you are going to marry. But it will sure be interesting to see how this plays out when they are older...

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