Sunday, April 27, 2008

Me vs. Aidan

How Mom gets into the car:
Open the car door.
Get in.
Buckle seatbelt.

How Aidan gets into the car:
Open the car door.
Play with toy that was left on the floor of the car.
Say, "Hey Mom! My flip flops are still in here!"
Get into the carseat backwards.
Turn around after Mom says to.
Start buckling buckles.
Say, "I'm gonna win!"
Say, "Mom, why do you always win buckling Gresham in? I never get to win!"
Ask for help because buckles are "too tight."
Buckle seatbelt.

How Mom gets dressed in the morning:
Pick out an outfit that is appropriate for the weather.
Put it on.

How Aidan gets dressed in the morning:
Mom says, "Go get dressed. It's cool, so wear long pants."
Take off pull-up.
Run naked through the house to put the pull-up in the trash.
Mom says, "Next time, please get dressed first, and then bring your pull-up out."
Go back to room.
Call out to Mom about which day of the week it is so that he can select the correct underwear. (They have dinosaurs and days of the week on them).
Ask how to spell that day.
Ask if it's warm enough for shorts.
Argue about the answer given.
Come out with only underwear on to ask which shirt to wear - Mom says it doesn't matter, just pick one.
Get out clothes.
Put them on the floor.
Cuddle with honeybear and blankie for a minute.
Put pants on.
Practice jumping off the step stool.
Put shirt on.

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